The Sad State of Amir Khan.

Trying to alleviate an emotional pressure like depression or hopelessness, with external objects is common in society today. Some people will eat, some people will buy clothes, or jewelry. Amir Khan well he likes to buy customized Range Rovers. There really isn’t a lot of joy in Khanville these days. Even Amir realizes by now … More The Sad State of Amir Khan.

Heirlooms and Pawn shops: The story of the American reign as Heavyweight Champion.

For almost the entire 20th century, the heavyweight champion hailed from somewhere in the United States. It is an ethnic sports anomaly.  For 107 years, a country outside of America held the title for only 7 years. It was an iconic symbol of American culture and for some generations a national treasure. Still, like family … More Heirlooms and Pawn shops: The story of the American reign as Heavyweight Champion.

Godzilla Cotto vs. Mothra Alvarez and King Kong Golovkin

When Miguel Cotto completed his dominant performance in June-that ended with a 4th round knockout over Daniel Geale. The boxing world over the next two years could be turned into a Japanese sci-fi flick. Starring Cotto as Godzilla, Canelo Alvarez as Mothra, and Gennady Golovkin as King Kong.  The potential for epic ring clashes between … More Godzilla Cotto vs. Mothra Alvarez and King Kong Golovkin

The Greatness of Floyd Mayweather Jr. Updated Sept 12, 2015

This article was originally written on June 5, 2015. It has been updated since original post. Please read through. Boxing always will be one of the purest of sports. By Marquis de Queensberry rules, only the two fighters along with a referee whose job is merely to serve as the protector and rule enforcer are … More The Greatness of Floyd Mayweather Jr. Updated Sept 12, 2015